Financial Partnership

After the initial planning phase, and the implementation of the decisions from that plan, the real ongoing work starts.

This is when real life happens with all its expected and unexpected events – the death of a spouse, a forced career change or family requiring support.

We are there for our clients to help them think through the options. You are the experts on your life and understand best what is happening to you or your family. We are here to listen, help you reflect, tease out the options and help you understand the consequences of your decisions. We have the know-how and experience of helping people through varied transitions, but every situation is unique and our working together consistently is where the real financial partnership bears fruit.

As regulation or the political and economic environment changes, we stay up to date so that you don’t have to. Again, we work with you to think about your choices and find the best options for you.

Any strategic plan is just as good as its implementation and for it to play out according to the plan, it means that you must remain committed to the plan. Occasionally you may want to bail on your plan especially when financial markets deliver short term blows. We are there again to help you think through the implications and coach you through your decisions.

We will report to you regularly on the progress of your plan, the success of your saving and investment strategies and check in with you about your life and any changes that we need to make to the plan.

In the financial plan, we set out how we are remunerated for our ongoing partnership. In general, it is determined by the size of the assets we advise on and collected by the product providers. This ongoing fee serves as a retainer fee for our financial partnership.